Monday, September 8, 2014

3 septembre 2014

Things that happened.

Tour of the Opéra (where Phantom of the Opera takes place):
Academie National de Musique - AKA Opéra Garnier

Bust of Charles Garnier, the genius, then-unknown architect of this building

In an era where architects were often not given credit, Garnier subtly and beautifully left his signature in the lobby of the building

Ceiling of the salon where the men and ladies with bad reputations would socialize during intermissions

Look at the details!

The salon

The theatre

The chandelier featured in The Phantom of the Opera

The chandelier itself never fell but the idea of the chandelier falling in The Phantom of the Opera was inspired by an incident where a counterweight for the chandelier fell and almost killed someone.

French placement exam at Cours de Civilization Français de la Sorbonne - I somehow magically got placed into Intermediate 2! (There is Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate 1 & 2, Advanced, and Superior) Everyone from USC is in the same class except for one who is in Elementary.

I went to the Champs Élysées with Justine during our free time.
Le Petit Palais

Le Grand Palais

Outraged Paris
Broken Paris
Martyred Paris
But Liberated Paris"

Photo installation to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the start of WWI and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of France in WWII

There it is!! Arc de Triomphe!

Q: What is this??

A: The fanciest freaking A&F in the world.
I'm telling you, France just does everything better.

I am going to eat here one day and subsequently starve for a week because I spent all my money on this gaudy place

Hey that's me!

Arc de Triomphe in all of its splendid, triumphant glory!

I got to watch these wonderful buskers perform in the Metro!
They were really good and accordions make me so happy ^_^

I went to a grocery store called Picard where they sell ONLY frozen foods. I was able to buy a couple frozen dinners for only 2€ each!
Fries-to-Go at Picard. Look at that immaculate packaging.

I'm afraid to go back to this store because I will probably buy all of these.

So this was the first frozen dinner I had (actually ate it on 4 sept but whatever). It doesn't look very appetizing but it was absolutely delicious. All French food > all American food

For dinner, we went out to a restaurant and, again, we had dinner guests. This time it was two couples that are good friends of the Bouteillons, but do not know each other. One couple were Chinese expats whom Jacqueline met during her stint in China. The husband of this couple looked like Jackie Chan (and no I'm not being racist)! The other couple was French and they looked super preppy (striped shirt with cardigan tied around the shoulders? WOW) and it turns out they met at a country club. Who would have thunk. Anyways, the wife was Jane Lynch. Not actually, but she might as well have been. So basically, I ate dinner with Jackie Chan and Jane Lynch ^_^ So cool.

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