Monday, September 29, 2014

14 septembre 2014

Not much happened today:

I woke up super late after the craziness that was last night (yes, for me that is considered crazy...) and missed church D:

I went to La Défense which is the most modern thing I've ever seen ever [in Paris] (please excuse my hyperbolic tendencies) with Justine and Natasha. Unlike the times I just go with Justine, I actually bought stuff! Albeit, it was at H&M but I bought a "basic jersey" (just a white t-shirt), a "jersey fancy" (I don't really know how to describe it... it's one of those loose shirts... and it's fancier than a t-shirt LOL), and a skirt. Yea, a skirt. And it has polka dots. Here is an excerpt of a conversation we had after I put on the shirt+skirt combo:
Justine: You look like a little church girl 
Jane: I am a little church girl
Natasha: Didn't you ditch church today?
Jane: ...
Other than that, the only other notable thing that happened today was a delicious Peach Lemonade I bought from Costa Coffee. YUM.

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